HC Deb 09 November 1927 vol 210 cc175-6

asked the Minister of Labour how many women have been registered as unemployed during the 12 months ending 31st October; how many have been refused, for any reason, unemployment benefit; how many have been given training in training establishments and the nature of such training; and how many have secured permanent employment after their period of training?


As the reply includes a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate a statement in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the statement:

Statistics are not available with regard to the number of separate individuals who have been registered during the last 12 months, but the following table shows the numbers of women on the registers of Employment Exchanges in Great Britain on the last Monday of each month:

Month (end of). 1926: Number on Register.
October 262,801
November 251,371
December 224,494
Month (end of). 1927: Number on Register.
January 202,968
February 164,008
March 147,107
April 139,185
May 131,496
June 140,198
July 148;190
August 156,081
September 149,908
*October 154,092
* In respect of 24th October, the latest available date.

During the 12 months ended 10th October, 1927, out of 389,047 applications from women for extended benefit considered by local committees in Great Britain, 137,615 were recommended for disallowance. Apart from these cases 148,681 applications for benefit were disallowed by the Chief Insurance Officer during the 12 months ended 31st October, 1927, but in a number of them benefit was subsequently allowed on appeal to Courts of referees and the umpire. The number of separate individuals included in these figures cannot be stated. Information as to the women trained in centres conducted by the Central Committee for Women's Training and Employment was given to the hon. Member yesterday in reply to a question.