HC Deb 28 March 1927 vol 204 cc869-70
61. Sir J. LEIGH

asked the Minister of Transport whether, as a result of the recent conference on street accidents, further measures are to be taken for the protection of pedestrians; what is the nature of such measures; and on what date will they be applied to London?

The MINISTER of TRANSPORT (Colonel Ashley)

In answer to the first part of the question, I hope that it will be possible to take action in several directions on the lines discussed at the recent Conference. With regard to the second part, I must refer my hon. Friend to the Report of the London Traffic Advisory Committee on Street Accidents in Greater London, copies of which will be available to Members in a few days. I am unable to say when any of the proposed measures will be applied in London, as their adoption depends on the co-operation of the highway and other authorities concerned, and also upon the results of certain experiments now being, or about to be, carried out. Other points are covered by the draft Road Traffic Bill which I have recently published for purposes of discussion.


Will the right hon. Gentleman lay the Report as a White Paper, in view of the widespread public interest in the question?

Colonel ASHLEY

Copies will be available for Members in a few days.