HC Deb 17 March 1927 vol 203 c2187

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if he will issue instructions that the pre-War practice of civil servants passing to pension on reaching the age of 60 shall again become the rule of the service; and that officers of 60 years of age and over shall be retired at the earliest possible date?

Major Sir GEORGE HENNESSY (for Mr. McNeill)

The hon. Member appears to be under a misapprehension as regards pre-War practice in this matter. The rule of the Service was and is that a civil servant may retire, subject to the convenience of the public service, at the age of 60, and must retire at 65, or such earlier age between 60 and 65 as may be decided upon by the head of his Department. It would not be in the public interest to restrict the present discretion of heads of Departments in this matter.