HC Deb 21 June 1927 vol 207 cc1650-1

asked the Secretary of State for Scotland the price per sheep paid for the stock sold by the Scottish Board of Agriculture to the Carboshbeg Sheep Stock Club Co-operative Society in the island of Skye; and what price the Board have charged the society?


As the question involves a tabular statement, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate the answer in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Class. Paid by Board to Farm Tenant, 1923. Charged to Holders.
1924. 1925.
Cheviot— £ s. d. £ s. d. £ s. d.
Ewe and lamb 2 1 9 3 10 0 4 5 0
Eild ewe 1 11 7 2 10 0 3 0 0
Ewe hogg 1 12 9 None. 3 0 0
Tup 3 4 7 None. 2 10 0
Ewe and lamb 1 17 2 3 0 0 None.
Eild ewe 1 6 11 2 2 0 None.
Ewe hogg 1 7 2 2 2 0 None.
Tup 2 13 2 2 10 0 None.

The prices paid by the Board were neither acclimatisation values nor current market values, but were prices fixed by the lease. This factor was reflected in the price paid by the Board to the proprietor for the estate, which was higher than it would have been if the prices payable to the tenant for sheep stock had not been limited by the terms of the lease, and which included a sum calculated at £1 per head of the sheep stock to recoup the proprietor for the hefting value of the stock which some years previously he had paid to the tenant in consideration of the latter's acceptance of the schedule of prices to be paid to him at outgoing.

Carbostbeg holders obtained stock in two lots, at Whit-Sunday, 1924, and Whit-Sunday, 1925, respectively. They agreed to pay the then current value, without enhancement for acclimatisation.