HC Deb 17 February 1927 vol 202 cc1093-4

asked the Minister of Health what was the cost to the local authorities for the maintenance of the mental patients chargeable to them, together with the amount granted by the Exchequer in relief of such cost, for the years 1913–14 and 1925–26, respectively?


As the reply contains a number of figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the reply promised.

The total expenditure of local authorities in England and Wales other than out of loans in connection with mental patients in county and borough asylums was £4,305,000 in 1913–14 and £8,087,000 in 1924–25. This expenditure was met out of the following sources:

1913–14: £
Repayments by relatives and others 612,000
Specific Government grants 955,000
Other sources, mainly rates 2,738,000
Repayments by relatives and others 1,668,000
Specific Government grants 1,040,000
Other sources, mainly rates 5,379,000

The Mental Deficiency Act, 1913, was not in force in 1913–14. The total expenditure of local authorities in 1924–25 on mental deficiency other than out of loans was £941,000 which was met as to £102,000 from receipts from relatives, etc., as to £392,000 from specific Government grants, and as to £447,000 from other sources, mainly rates.

Figures for 1925–26 are not yet available.