HC Deb 10 February 1927 vol 202 cc262-3

asked the Home Secretary the number of persons who were arrested and charged with offences in connection with the general strike and the mining dispute from April to December last; the number discharged as not guilty; the number who were fined and the number sent to prison; in how many cases there has been a remission of the fine; how many cases of prisoners having been discharged before serving the full term of imprisonment; and the total number of such persons remaining in prisons and the length of sentences they have yet to serve?


As the numerous particulars asked for are difficult to set out clearly in a verbal reply, I propose, with the hon. Member's permission, to circulate them in the OFFICIAL REPORT:

Following are the particulars:

The following particulars relate to persons charged with offences, of date before 20th December (when the Emergency Regulations lapsed), arising out of the general strike and the mining dispute. They show the position, with regard to such persons, as it was on 24th January. Cases not finally disposed of on that date are excluded. Most cases were tried at Courts of Summary Jurisdiction; some at Quarter Sessions or Assizes:

Charged (on summons or after arrest) under Emergency Regulations or under the ordinary law 7,316
Charge dismissed or withdrawn 1,175
Discharged, or bound over, under Probation of Offenders Act 1,067
Bound over otherwise 652
Fined 3,488
Sentenced to imprisonment 900
Sentenced to penal servitude 10
Fines reduced 35
Part of imprisonment remitted 54
Still undergoing imprisonment on 10th February, 1927 52

There are due for discharge:

In February 9
In March 13
In April 8
In May 5
In June 2
In December 3
In February, 1928 2
In the period June, 1929, to December, 1932 10*
* Sentences of penal servitude.