HC Deb 07 December 1927 vol 211 cc1384-5
48. Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that an Irish landowner, whose property was burnt out during the revolution, started to rebuild his home in Ireland on the strength of an interim grant. of £1,000 made to him about May last and an intimation from the Irish Grants Committee that at a later date it might be possible to recommend a further advance of £1,500, on account of the total amount recommended; that such further advance has now had to be refused by the Committee as the Government will not agree to its payment; that the result is that this sufferer is now left with his house unfinished and with a substantial liability to the contractors, who are pressing for immediate payment and whose claim he is unable to meet; will he state why this person is not now informed of the total amount recommended by the Grants Committee in his favour more than six months ago; and why the amount due to him has not been paid?

The FINANCIAL SECRETARY to the TREASURY (Mr. Arthur Michael Samuel)

I have been asked to take this question. The question whether some immediate indication can be given to all claimants, whose cases have been heard, regarding the amounts which they may expect to receive as a result of the recommendations made by the Irish Grants Committee, is now being carefully examined. In the meantime, I fear that I cannot undertake to answer detailed questions in relation to individual cases.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the Irish Grants Committee promised this man a further £1,500, that on the strength of that he started building, that now the bankers have stopped his credit, and that he is threatened by the builders and faced with ruin? Cannot the Government do something?


I understand that that was in the original question, to which I have given my answer.


Will the hon. Gentleman expedite some conclusion of this matter, having regard to the terrible hardships which are suffered by these people, for whom the British Government are primarily responsible?