HC Deb 07 December 1927 vol 211 c1357
8. Mr. W. M. WATSON

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty if he is aware that there are still a number of transferred ex-dockyard workers living in Rosyth; that some of these men and their families were transferred North as far back as 1916; that they have been unemployed since the closing of the dockyard and are in a distressed condition; and whether he intends to do anything to re-transfer them and their families to their home districts.


A comparatively small number of men who were transferred from southern dockyards to Rosyth, and were not placed on the Established List either because their services were not entirely satisfactory or for other reasons within their own control, have been discharged at Rosyth in connection with the reduction of that dockyard I cannot agree that these men are entitled to be removed with their homes and families from the neighbourhood of Rosyth at the public expense, but I shall be pleased to consider, on its merits, any special case which the hon. Member would like to bring to my notice. I would, however, remind him that re-transfer to the south would not enable these men to find employment in southern dockyards.