HC Deb 01 December 1927 vol 211 c693

asked the Minister of Health how many houses have been erected this year, under which Act, and whether by private or public enterprise;

Harlesowen Urban District.
Statement showing the number of houses completed with State-Assistance during the first 10 months of the current year; the number under construction and the number of houses authorised but not yet started at 1st November, 1927.
Housing. etc, Act, 1925. Housing Financial Provisions) Act, 1924. Total.
Number of houses completed—
(a) By the Local Authority 46 46
(b) By Private Enterprise 121 121
Total 167 167
Number of houses under construction at 1st November, 1927. 31 31
Number of houses authorised but not started at 1st November, 1927. 97 50 147
Similar information with regard to houses provided by private enterprise without assistance is not available, but 10 such houses were completed in the district during the year ended 30th September, 1927.
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