HC Deb 26 April 1927 vol 205 cc671-2

asked the Minister of Transport which railway companies used oil for running their locomotives during the general strike and the coal dispute of 1926; for how many engines was oil so used; and for how many engines they are continuing to use it at the present time?

Colonel ASHLEY

I understand that the number of locomotives which were equipped for oil burning by each of the amalgamated railway companies during the general strike and the coal dispute of 1926 were:

London, Midland and Scottish 200
London and North Eastern 50
Great Western None
Southern 12
All these locomotives have been re-converted to coal burning, with the exception of four which are still in use on the London and North Eastern Railway.


Could the Minister of Transport give the difference of cost between using coal at £1 a ten and oil at £2 7s. 6d. a ton, and the extra cost incurred in order to defeat the miners?

Colonel ASHLEY

I am afraid I could not do that rule-of-three without notice.


Is it not a fact that all these locomotives were originally designed for coal fuel, and are not really suited for oil?

Colonel ASHLEY

It is quite true that they were all designed originally for coat fuel.