HC Deb 27 September 1926 vol 199 cc250-2
Major OWEN

(by Private Notice) asked the Home Secretary whether he is aware that considerable apprehension prevails in the Capel Curig district of Carnarvonshire owing to the grave doubts existing as to the sufficiency and strength of the dam at Llugwy above the village; whether he is aware of the statements that are being freely made that water constantly percolates through the dam and that there was a breach or overflow of the dam, causing considerable damage, about two years ago and whether he will have an immediate inquiry made by and on behalf of the Government into the condition of this and other dams in Carnarvonshire?


The dam referred to was included in the recent investigation of local dams controlled by the Aluminium Corporation. The Report recommends the execution of certain works for strengthening this dam, and I have communicated with the company as to their carrying them out.

Major OWEN

Is the right hon. Gentleman satisfied, in view of the report that has been made by a firm of engineers appointed by the company concerned and not by the Government? I have the Report here, and in view of the seriousness of that Report, is the right hon. Gentleman prepared to accept merely an undertaking from the company that these dams will be put into such a state of safety that there will be no danger to the communities round about them, especially having regard to the disaster that took place a short time ago? Further, in view of the fact that the Report states definitely that they were not able to make proper investigations into the dams at Llugwy and Cowlyd, will the right hon. Gentleman see that there is proper inspection and supervision on behalf of the Government of the repairs and work necessary at these dams independent entirely of the company?


The hon. and gallant Gentleman is quite right in saving he has a copy of the Report—which I sent him, personally, not long ago. I think he knows that the Government have no power to appoint an inspector. During the last Session of Parliament I arranged with the aluminium company in question that they should appoint a firm of engineers, subject to my approval. A name was submitted to me and I approved of the name of the engineer. The Report was a full one and was sent to myself. That, I think, was a long step in advance. I have now a copy of the Report and am considering it. In the meantime I sent a copy to the hon. and gallant Gentleman, and also sent a copy to the company asking them whether they were prepared to carry it out.

Major OWEN

In view of the fact that there is no special provision for the inspection of dams of this character in the country, is it not incumbent upon the Government to seek powers from this House to see that these constructions are properly inspected, both at the time of construction and afterwards periodically—say every year—in order to avoid such a terrible loss of life as occurred in this district last November?


That is going beyond the notice given by the hon. and gallant Member.

Major OWEN

In that case, I desire to give notice that on the first opportunity I will call attention to this matter on the Motion for the Adjournment of the House.