HC Deb 24 November 1926 vol 200 cc412-3
75. Colonel DAY

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury if his attention has been drawn to the condition of certain Government offices, owing to the economy measures which have increased the amount of work to be done by charwomen so employed; and what action will be taken to improve the condition of these offices?


I am not aware that the amount of work to be done by charwomen in Government offices has been increased by any measures of the nature indicated by the hon. Member. The question of the proper standard to be adopted in regard to the cleaning of Government offices is receiving attention.

Colonel DAY

Is it not the fact that the work has increased considerably and that there is now 2,500 superficial feet instead of 2,000 superficial feet?


I must leave that calculation with the hon. Member. I know nothing about the number of feet.

Colonel DAY

Can the hon. Member say whether any vacuum cleaners are given out to assist the women to do the extra work?


I must ask for notice of t hat question.