HC Deb 03 May 1926 vol 195 cc22-6
54. Lieut. - Colonel DALRYMPLE WHITE

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he will state the names of the birds the plumage of which has been illegally imported and confiscated under the Importation of Plumage (Prohibition) Act, 1921, for each quarter from 1st January to 31st December, 1925, together with the approximate quantity of plumage involved in each case?


As the answer is long, I will, with my hon. and gallant Friend's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Name of Bird. Approximate quantity of plumage.
Jan. to March. April to June. July to Sept. Oct. to Dec.
Albatross 1 skin
Bird of Paradise 3 skins 17 millinery 1 skin 1 skin
7 millinery mounts 3 millinery 5 millinery
mounts mounts mounts
12 feathers
Blue Jay 1 skin 4 wings 1 wing
2 tails
Bittern 1 skin
Bustard (other than Chiuese Bustard). 1 skin 7 bundles of feathers
Blue Bird 1 skin
Bronze Wing Pigeon 2 wings 2 wings 2 wings
Crane 2 millinery mounts 2 skins
Cassowary 1 head
Cowbird 17 feathers
Cormorant .— 4 pieces of dress trimming
Condor 6 quills
Chiloe Wigeon 1 skin
Cockatoo .— 1 wing
1 crest
Coot 1 skin
Crowned Pigeon of New Guinea. 2 millinery mounts
Diver (2 species) 18 pieces dress trimming
Egret 226 feathers 137 feathers 200 feathers 66 feathers
4 bundles of 10 bundles of 6 bundles 329 bundles
feathers feathers 60 skins 18 millinery
2 wings 11 millinery 3 millinery mounts
13 millinery mounts mounts
1 skin 359 skins
Emu 1 bundle 1 tail
Eagle Hawk 4 wings
Eagle Owl 24 made-up birds
Eagle 1 skin 49 feathers
5 feathers
Falcated Teal 1 millinery monnt.
Grebe 52 skins 207 skins 3 skins 1 piece dress
26 pieces of 1 piece dress 1 piece dress trimming
dress trimmings trimming trimming
1 package

Lieut.-Colonel WHITE

Will the hon. Gentleman, at any rate, tell us now the quantity of grebe and so-called ostrich plumage?


I could not do that without a rather long examination of a very long reply.

Following is the information promised:

The following is a list of birds the plumage of which has been illegally imported and has been confiscated by the Customs authorities under the Importation of Plumage (Prohibition) Act, 1921, for each quarter from the 1st January, 1925, to 31st December, 1925, together with the approximate quantity of plumage involved in each case:

Name of Bird. Approximate quantity of plumage.
Jan. to March. April to June. July to Sept. Oct. to Dec.
Glossy Starling 2 millinery mounts
Heron 10 millinery mounts 2 wings 6 tufts 40 millinery mounts 2 bundles 12 loose feathers 2 millinery mounts 16 millinery mounts 2 wings 1 skin
Humming Bird 4 skins 1 skin 2 skins
Hawk 12 feathers
Indian Roller 2 wings 1 tail 4 wines 6 wings 2 skins
Jungle Cock 1 tail 4 millinery mounts
Jungle Fowl 1 skin
Kingfisher 1 fan 40 brooches* 1 millinery mount
Kea .— 5 wings
Lyre Bird 2 tails
Owl 2 wings 1 skin
Peacock 22 fans 132 millinery mounts 12 fans 14 feathers 4 fans 20 feathers 10 fans 576 millinery mounts 100 feathers
Parrot 1 skin 7 wings 3 skins 12 wings 2 tails 2 millinery mounts 1 skin 1 millinery mount 2 bundles 37 wings
Pheasant, Argus 142 millinery mounts 1 skin 1 millinery mount 65 feathers
Pheasant, Chinese 5 millinery mounts
Pheasant, Koklas 3 feathers
Pheasant, Lady Amherst. 1 millinery mount 1 dress trimming 576 millinery mounts
Pheasant, Moonal 2 heads 2 skins 1 skin 1 tail
Pheasant, Copper 43 fans 2 fans
Parakeet 1 skin 12 feathers
Pelican 1 head 2 wings 24 feathers
Quetzal 1 millinery mount
Rhas. American 1 sample packet
Rhas, Darwin 1 sample packet 12 feathers
Sun Bird 2 skins 2 skins
Stork (Adjutant) 12 feathers
Stork (Leptoptilus) 15 bundles 38 feathers 3 wings 1 fan 3 packages 3 bundles 6 feathers 2 fans 22 feathers
Swan 30 feathers 14 feathers 4 fans
Sparrow Hawk 4 wings
South African Goshawk 2 wings
Vulture 2 millinery mounts
Vulturene Guinea Fowl 2 skim
Waxwing 1 skin
*Containing small pieces of plumage.
In addition to the above, 31 consignments of miscellaneous prohibited plumage were seized.