HC Deb 16 March 1926 vol 193 cc246-7
59. Major CRAWFURD

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer the number of standard barrels of beer charged with duty in the year ending 31st December, 1925, in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, respectively; and the number of bulk barrels produced in each country during the same calendar year in respect of which the allowance of £1 was made?


With the hon. Member's permission, I will circulate the figures in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following are the, figures:

The following are the numbers of standard barrels of beer charged with Excise Duty, and the numbers of hulk barrels in respect of which a rebate of £1 has been allowed in England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland, respectively, during the year ended 31st December, 1925:

Standard barrels charged with duty. Bulk barrels on which rebate of £1.has been allowed.
England 19,432,325 24,661,703
Scotland 1,424,501 1,924,783.
Northern Ireland 6,529 9,707
The figures in the second column exclude a small amount of low-gravity beer, on which the rebate was less than £1 per bulk barrel, and also a small quantity of high-gravity black beer on which the rebate was in excess of that figure.