HC Deb 03 March 1926 vol 192 c1415

asked the Minister of Labour if any character or reference is asked from any prospective employed of a domestic servant before a girl is sent by the employment exchange; if any inquiry is made into the conditions of home life before any girl is asked to undertake domestic service; and, if so, will he state the nature of same?


It is not the practice to require formal references from employers in connection with the notification of vacancies in domestic service. Employment exchanges are instructed to satisfy themselves as far as practicable that a vacancy is genuine. In the case of young girls under the age of 18, the assistance of the Juvenile Advisory Committees is sought and in addition to other precautions her parent or guardian is consulted before she is submitted for the vacancy.


May I ask whether, in view of certain disclosures in the Law Courts, he will take steps to see that girls who are sent into domestic service are sent to homes which are in every way suitable for them, and ascertain this before they are sent?


I have given the hon. Member an answer. If he will mention any case which necessitates further steps being taken, I will look into it.


In view of the fact that careful inquiry is made into the character of a girl, why should the law of equality not operate and the same inquiry be made into the character of the employer?