§ 11. Rear-Admiral BEAMISHasked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he can give particulars of the offer of a contribution towards the cost of the creation of the base at Singapore by the Federated Malay States?
§ Mr. AMERYOn the 23rd June, at a meeting of the Federal Council of the Federated Malay States, a resolution was moved by His Highness the Sultan of Selangor, with the assent of the other three Rulers, and passed, to the following effect:
That the Council approve a contribution of £2,000,000 sterling being offered to the Imperial Government towards the cost of the Singapore Naval Base, such sum to be payable in five annual instalments of £400,000 each.The resolution specified that the offer was made "to facilitate the task of the Imperial Government in proceeding expeditiously with the necessary portions of the scheme as a whole."I desire to take this opportunity to confirm, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the expression of our great appreciation, which I have already conveyed to the High Commissioner, and of our grateful acceptance, of the generous offer of the Council. As the House is aware, this is not the first time that their Highnesses the Rulers and the people of the Federated Malay States have by their patriotic generosity given evidence both of the loyalty and affection which binds them to the rest of the Empire, and of their far-sighted prudence in realising that the security and prosperity of every part of the Empire rests ultimately on the power of the British Navy and on its freedom to protect our trade routes in every part of the world. The fine spirit which prompted their action, as well as its practical value, will be appreciated in every part of His Majesty's Dominions.
§ Rear-Admiral BEAMISHIs any condition whatever attached to this offer?
§ Mr. AMERYNo, Sir. As far as I am aware, the offer was made entirely spontaneously, with the object indicated in the resolution itself, namely, that of enabling the Imperial Government to proceed expeditiously with the necessary portions of the scheme.
§ Lieut. - Commander KENWORTHYDoes this very generous gift of money come from the taxation of their States, or from their privy purses?
§ Mr. AMERYThe resolution was passed with the approval of the native Rulers and of the representatives of the European residents in the Federated Malay Council. The money will come from the general revenue of the Federated Malay States.
§ Mr. PENNYIs it not a fact that the rulers of the unfederated Malay States, such as the. Sultan of Johore, are also giving the greatest possible assistance to the Government in forwarding this scheme?
§ Mr. AMERYUndoubtedly, His Highness the Sultan of Johore and the other rulers of the unfederated States have never been backward in showing their loyalty and desire to assist the Imperial Government.