§ 14. Mr. HADEN GUESTasked the Secretary of State for Dominion Affairs whether the Board for dealing with the marketing of Empire produce has now been constituted, and if he will state the names of the members; and whether it is intended to provide opportunity for the representation of the Parliamentary Opposition?
§ Rs. 97,801 in 1920–21. The increase has been gradual and is due apparently to the ordinary working of incremental scales of salary after the post-War revision, and to a general rise in the cost of the various items shown under "Other charges." The figures are:
§ 12. Malaya.
§ The reorganization of the Veterinary Services in Malaya is at present under consideration.
§ and I am sending to the hon. Member a copy of the announcement which appeared in the Press of 22nd June. As regards the second part of the question, as the work of the Board develops, there will, I hope, be opportunities for active assistance, for example by way of service on Committees, on the part of many persons who do not participate in the membership of the Board itself, and I should be happy to receive suggestions and offers of co-operation from any Member of the House.
791§ Mr. HADEN GUESTI wanted to know whether there was an opportunity for Members of the Opposition as such with the idea of stabilising and securing a continuity of Empire policy?
§ Mr. AMERYI certainly should be glad of the service of Members of the House, whatever their party, in facilitating the work of the Board generally. The Board itself is constituted on a very limited principle.
§ Mr. THURTLEDoes the right hon. Gentleman realise that the Empire policy of my hon. Friend does not necessarily represent the policy of other Members of his party?
Lieut. - Colonel Sir FREDERICK HALLDoes the right hon. Gentleman think it necessary that hon. Members should be known now as "Little Colonians"?