HC Deb 22 June 1926 vol 197 c240
32. Viscountess ASTOR

asked the Postmaster-General whether he has been approached by representatives of the postal workers with a view to securing a weekly half-holiday; whether the matter is under consideration; and whether, in view of the fact that other Departments of State grant weekly half-holidays to their employés, he will consider securing postal workers a similar privilege?


I am not aware of any recent general representations. This subject 'has, however, been considered on many occasions, and was last examined by a Committee of the Post Office Whitley Council in 1922. The special requirements of Post Office work make it impracticable to arrange a general weekly half-holiday for postal, telegraph, and telephone manipulative staff on the lines normally followed in other Government Departments.

Viscountess ASTOR

Can the Minister not give a half-holiday on lines that are not normal possibly[...] It does seem rather hard that these should be the only people in the Government service who do not get the half-holiday[...] Could not the right hon. Gentleman use his very inventive brain to find some other way of doing this?


There is considerable difficulty in doing that without jeopardising the general interests of the public service.