HC Deb 22 June 1926 vol 197 cc246-7

asked the Minister of Health if he intends in the present Session to introduce a Measure amending the Widows', Orphans', and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act to enable those fishermen who are not employed persons in the ordinary sense, but are paid by shares in the profits of the venture, to participate in the benefits of the Act?


Fishermen who are not compulsorily insurable as employed contributors under the National Health Insurance Act may become voluntary contributors and entitled to benefits under that Act and the Widows', Orphans' and Old Age Contributory Pensions Act if they are qualified by virtue of a previous period of insurance or service in His Majesty's Forces during the late War. It would not be practicable to introduce amending legislation in the present Session even if my right hon. Friend were satisfied that a ease for it had been established, but the whole question will be reviewed in connection with the Amendments of the National Health Insurance Act which will come under consideration in the near future.

Lieut.-Colonel HENEAGE

Can the Parliamentary Secretary say whether this legislation is likely to be introduced in the forthcoming Budget, having in view the importance of this question to the fishing community?


This is a matter which would be more appropriately dealt with by at. amendment to the National Health Insurance Act, and consideration will be given to this point when we are considering proposals for the amendment of that Act.

Colonel DAY

When does the hon. Gentleman hope to consider the amendment of the National Health Insurance Act? Can he say?


No, Sir.