HC Deb 24 February 1926 vol 192 cc494-5

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he is aware, in the case of an infringement of a trade mark in Turkey, that the British firm whose trade mark has been infringed has been condemned by the Turkish Courts on account of non-domicile in Turkey; that this decision is a breach of the Industrial Property Convention to which Turkey adhered as from 10th October, 1925; that the attention of the Foreign Office has been drawn to this matter at intervals spread over 12 months; that since this time the export of certain varieties of British cotton yarns to Turkey has been and continues to be seriously curtailed, with consequent financial loss to the country; and what steps he proposes to take to remedy this injury to British commercial interests?


Yes, Sir. The statement of the case regarding the particular British firm to which I presume the question refers is, in the main, accurate. The decision in question was given by a Turkish Court of First Instance, and I understand that steps are being taken to appeal against it. In these circumstances diplomatic action would at present be premature, but His Majesty's Ambassador at Constantinople and His Majesty's Consul-General at Smyrna are in close touch with the local representative of the firm, and may be relied on to take any proper measures to safeguard its interests in this matter.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that considerable losses have occurred, amounting to thousands of pounds, due to the infringement of this valuable safeguard; is he aware that these losses are occurring day by day, and have been continuing for the past 12 months; does the right hon. Gentleman not think that the time has now arrived that definite action should be taken; and is it not a fact that the matter is not only one of importance to the cotton trade, but to other trades as well?

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