HC Deb 02 December 1926 vol 200 c1363
20. Mr. SHORT

asked the Minister of Health the number of houses erected with State assistance under the various Housing Acts; the number built by local authorities and private enterprise, respectively; the total number in each case built to let and for sale; and the financial contribution made by the Exchequer during 1926?


Up to the 1st ultimo, 479,842 houses had been erected with State assistance under the various Housing Acts, 276,255 by local authorities and 203,587 by private enterprise. Information is not available as to the total number of houses which have been built for letting and for sale, but as the hon. Member is no doubt aware, houses built under the Housing Act of 1924 must be available for letting. The financial contribution to be made by the Exchequer for housing purposes during 1926–27 is estimated at £8,465,000.

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