HC Deb 29 April 1926 vol 194 cc2201-2

asked the Postmaster-General whether, in connection with the proposal to affix advertisements by way of postmark and to collect fees for so doing, he can indicate the scale at which it is proposed to assess small advertisements calling attention to purely civic functions; and whether he is aware that many towns are making their plans for the summer accordingly and would appreciate early guidance on the point?


My right hon. Friend is consulting with the Post Office Advisory Council as to the best method of obtaining the maximum revenue from advertisements from post office date stamps, if and when statutory authority for their use is obtained, but he is not in a position at present to make any statement on the subject.

Colonel DAY

Will the Noble Lord say whether the offer of these advantages is going to be submitted to public tender?

Viscount WOLMER

I can only repeat what I have said, that the Postmaster-General is now in consultation with the Advisory Committee of the Post Office, and is considering how out of these stamps he can obtain the most money.


Will the Noble Lord undertake that in date-stamp advertisements of this kind he will not advertise the goods of competitors in the same class of goods?

Viscount WOLMER

That is a matter which undoubtedly the Postmaster is considering, but competitors to a large extent have the remedy in their own hands by themselves hiring the date stamps and so stamping their own letters.


Will these advertisements be open to the sellers of Belgiam bricks?