HC Deb 29 April 1926 vol 194 c2202

asked the Postmaster-General whether he is aware that wireless telephones have been installed between the mainland and lightships and lighthouses in many parts of the world, and are very efficient; that the distance between the points of communication are in many of these cases much less than the distance between Tayinloan, on the mainland, and Port Ellen, in the Island of Islay; that a wireless telephone could be installed between these two points for a capital sum of about £1,000, and can be operated without any skilled operative; and whether, in view of the cost of the installation of an ordinary telephone with a deep-sea cable, he will have installed, either by the Post Office or by private enterprise under licence from the Post Office, a system of wireless telephony between Islay and the mainland?

Viscount WOLMER

This matter is under consideration; I will communicate further with my hon. Friend.

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