HC Deb 14 May 1925 vol 183 cc2035-6
Mr. MACLEAN (by Private Notice)

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether he has received telegrams from Fort William complaining of the sanitary arrangements at the Lochaber Water Scheme; whether he is aware that a number of men are seriously ill due to the insanitary conditions prevailing on the scheme; whether it is the case that the local Medical Officer of Health is also medical officer to the contractors of the see that they restore the Government scheme; and whether he can state what reports which they have in their steps he is taking to secure proper sanitary arrangements being provided and so prevent the possibility of an epidemic?

The SECRETARY for SCOTLAND (Sir John Gilmour)

The reply to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. With regard to the second part, I understand that there have been cases of diarrhœa, but the most recent Report of the Medical Officer of Health, which I have seen, dated 6th instant, states that there had been no request for the segregation of any case. With regard to the third part, I have no official knowledge, but I understand that the facts are as stated. With regard to the last part of the question, the Scottish Board of Health have already been in communication with the local authority and the Medical Officer of Health, but I am directing them to have further inquiry made to ensure that all proper precautions are being enforced.


Am I to take it that the Secretary for Scotland has received no information from the local Medical Officer of Health since 6th May? Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that only three days ago eight people were taken from this place and on the following day two more, which is a later date than the 6th May? Will he find out if the local Medical Officer of Health is also medical officer for the contractors, and will that gentleman resign from one position or the other so that the Board may get the full benefit of his service?


The last Report which I have myself seen is dated the 6th May. but I have given instructions to have the matter looked into and further inquiries will be made.


Will the right hon. Gentleman also ask the local Medical Officer of Health, who possibly is waiting for requests for segregation, if the question of segregation does not rest with the Medical Officer of Health with whom does it rest?


There has been no cause for segregation. No disease requiring it has occurred.


He says that he is waiting for requests.