HC Deb 11 May 1925 vol 183 cc1449-50

asked the under-Secretary of State for the Home Department, as representing the First Commissioner of Works, whether, in the public galleries of the nation under State control, any pictures have in recent years so far deteriorated in condition as to make them unserviceable for exhibition; and, if so, if he will say which they are?


I have inquired at. the principal galleries, and am informed that, generally, the answer to the question is in the negative. Certain pictures have, from time to time, to be withdrawn from exhibition for restoration, and one or two Turners at the Tate Gallery are now undergoing that process. I am informed that no picture has been permanently withdrawn, in recent years, on that account

Sir W. de FRECE

Has the right hon. Gentleman any knowledge of any such cases of serious deterioration in public galleries of the country?


I have riot been able to trace any, hut my inquiries were limited to London. I will make further inquiries