HC Deb 26 March 1925 vol 182 cc596-7

asked the Minister of Pensions how many pensions are in issue in Scotland; how many of these are life pensions; how many are conditional pensions in respect of war disabilities; how many are war widows' pensions and how many dependants' pensions; and whether he can state the number of pensions in each class that are issued to men and women resident in the Glasgow area, and the proportion that the number of pensions in issue bear to the population of Scotland?

Lieut.-Colonel STANLEY

The total number of beneficiaries of all classes of pensions and allowances in issue under the provisions of the Royal Warrants in Scotland at the 31st December last was 185,300. The beneficiaries are, therefore, in the proportion of one in every 26 of the population. The detailed figures making up this total will, with the hon. Member's permission, be given in the OFFICIAL REPORT. The records of the Department do not, I regret, admit of separate figures for the Glasgow area being quoted.

Following are the figures:

Pensions and allowances to non-commissioned ranks:

Final awards of life pensions 23,500
Conditional 23,350
Final weekly allowances 4,100
Allowances to wives and children 53,000
Widows 12,400
Widows' children 24,800
Motherless children 1,500
Dependants 38,200

Pensions and allowances to commissioned ranks:

Officers 2,300
Nurses 100
Widows 800
Children 700
Dependants 550