HC Deb 23 March 1925 vol 182 cc32-3

(for Mr. JOHNSTON) asked the Home Secretary the number of accidents in jute-weaving factories in Dundee during the past 12 months caused by shuttles flying out of four-yard wide looms, and the number of such accidents that can be classed as serious; and what steps he is taking to ascertain and remove the cause of these accidents?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir W. Joynson-Hicks)

There have been 12 accidents from this cause since March, 1924. One worker injured on the 9th instant has not yet returned to work; of the others, six were off two weeks, one three weeks, one four weeks, two five weeks and one three months. The factory inspector reports that the manager of the works chiefly affected has been experimenting with new shuttle guards, and has now devised a type which it is believed will prove effective. The whole of the four-yard looms at these works are being fitted with this new guard. The inspector has been instructed to continue to watch this question very closely and to see that the most suitable type of guard is provided.