HC Deb 16 March 1925 vol 181 c1839
27. Captain BOWYER

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he has received any recent intimation from the Agricultural Workers' Unions that they desire to come into the Unemployment Insurance Act; and, if not, whether he will cause inquiries to be made as to the attitude of the unions on this question?


Representations on this subject have been made to my right hon. Friend from various quarters, and after consultation with my right hon. Friend the Secretary for Scotland, it is proposed to appoint a Departmental Committee with the following terms of reference: To consider and report whether it is desirable that workers in agriculture should be compulsorily insured against the risk of unemployment, and, if so, on what terms and conditions and in what manner the Insurance of agricultural workers can be most effectively provided either by the inclusion of agriculture within the scope of existing legislation or by means of new legislation.