HC Deb 12 March 1925 vol 181 cc1499-500
112. Mr. RILEY

asked the Minister of Transport the total amount received during the last financial year from the taxation of all kinds of motor transport; the amount contributed from the Road Fund to the county councils for the upkeep and repair of county roads; the amount contributed to district councils for the repair of local roads; the amount contributed to employment schemes; and the amount contributed to roads by the State from other sources other than the Road Fund

Colonel ASHLEY

As the answer is somewhat long and contains figures, I will, with the hon. Member's permission, circulate it in the OFFICIAL REPORT.

Following is the answer:

The total amount received during the financial year 1923–24 from the taxation of all kinds of motor vehicles was, in round figures, £14,526,000. As the hon. Member is aware, however, this sum is subject to certain prior statutory charges and does not represent the amount available for grants. The grants made during the same year to county councils in Great Britain for the upkeep and repair of county roads amounted, again in round figures, to £6,206,000, and to district councils in England and Wales to £870,000. The grants to road schemes expedited for the relief of unemployment in Great Britain during the same period, including arterial road works carried out directly by my Department, were £5,645,000. I am unable to state the amount contributed to roads by the State from sources other than the Road Fund.