HC Deb 11 March 1925 vol 181 c1330

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs what is the present composition of the committee which interviews applicants for posts in the diplomatic service, and what are its terms of reference?


The Board of Selection, which is set up annually in accordance with the recommendations contained in the Fifth Report of the Royal Commission on the Civil Service of 1014, to interview candidates for the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Service, has been composed of the First Civil Service Commissioner, two, or three senior officials of the Foreign Office and Diplomatic Service, and two, or three non-official members, who have kindly lent their services and among whom it has been the practice to include one or two members of this House and one gentleman of business experience. The actual personnel of the Board varies from year to year. Its function is to decide which candidates possess suitable qualifications for entry into the Foreign Office and the Diplomatic Service.