HC Deb 04 March 1925 vol 181 cc406-7
2. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has called the attention of the Soviet Government to the manifesto concerning Egypt issued by the Communist Internationale, presided over by M. Zinovieff, in which the British air forces are accused of seeking for victims for British bombs; whether he is aware that the Egyptians are incited to wipe out the ghastly crimes committed against the Egyptian people by MacDonald's Government; and whether the Soviet Government accept the document as genuine?


I have not drawn attention to this particular manifesto, but. the Soviet Government must be well aware that, so long as it maintains its connection with the Communist International and aids and abets this kind of hostile and untruthful propaganda, there can be no improvement in its relations with His Majesty's Government. The manifesto was published in the "Pravda" of the 19th December last, and its authenticity is not open to doubt.

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