HC Deb 15 June 1925 vol 185 cc43-4
Captain BENN

With regard to the proceedings on the Finance Bill, may I ask at what stage it is proposed to take the Report of the Lace Resolution?


That is the second Order, and obviously it must be taken when we have finished our discussions to-day on the Finance Bill. It is impossible at this moment to say exactly how far we shall get, and it will depend upon the progress of business.


Have the Government made up their mind as to how far they wish to go? The business for Wednesday and Thursday was left unannounced the other day, and since then Wednesday's business has been announced, but not the business for Thursday.


Thursday is a Supply day, but we have not yet received notice of the subjects to be raised. Wednesday will be devoted to the consideration of the Finance Bill.

Lieut.-Commander KENWORTHY

Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether on Thursday we may expect a statement from the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs, or will it be on Monday?


I am sorry the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs will not be able to return until Thursday, and I hope it will be possible for him to make a statement in the following week. I think it is very desirable that my right hon. Friend should have two or three days in this country before he makes his statement to the House.

Captain BENN

Have we seen all the Government Amendments to the Silk Schedule? I notice that the Chancellor of the Exchequer is meeting the trade on Wednesday morning.


The Financial Secretary to the Treasury believes that all Amendments are down, but possibly my hon. and gallant Friend will put a question to him.