HC Deb 22 July 1925 vol 186 cc2189-90
38. Mr. HARRIS

asked the Minister of Labour why work done on the roads for borough councils is not counted towards benefit, although both employers and employés have to pay their insurance contributions; and whether he is aware that some men have as much as six or eight months stamps on their cards paid on wages earned on road work for local authorities, yet are refused benefit when out of employment?


I would refer the hon. Member to the replies given to the hon. Member for Shoreditch on the 1st July and to the hon. Member for the Western Isles on the 8th July. As was pointed out on 8th July, contributions paid in respect of relief work are treated as valid contributions for the purpose of qualifying for standard benefit and the point to which the hon. Member refers only arises in connection with extended benefit.


Does not this involve heavier work than ordinary insurance work, as it requires greater strength on the part of the men employed, and yet you have disqualification in consequence?


I would ask the hon. Member to look at the answer given by my right hon. Friend on the 1st and the 8th July, dealing with this very point.


What do the Ministry think with regard to these men who are doing this work, and how is it possible for them to look for other work while they are doing this?


That, again, has been dealt with by my right hon. Friend. What he said in effect was, that it has never been considered that the condition of a man making every reasonable effort to obtain employment should be satisfied merely by the fact that he is given relief work. It may be a fact or not, but it is not conclusive.


How can a man doing relief work for eight hours go and look for other work?


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that the board of guardians would stop a man's relief instantly if he threw up his work for any reason? Is it not unfair to take his money and not let him have the benefit and the council's money too?


That is taken into consideration; but when the hon. Member refers to taking his money, it only applies to standard benefit.


But you keep him out of standard benefit.