HC Deb 22 July 1925 vol 186 c2189
36. Mr. HAYDAY

asked the Minister of Labour the number of persons in receipt of unemployment benefit on the latest available date; and the number of persons who had registered as unemployed and had been disqualified for benefit since the passing of the 1920 Act?


At 6th July the number of persons in Great Britain with current claims to benefit was 1,217,578. I am unable to state the total number of persons who since the passing of the 1920 Act have been disqualified for benefit. In the 4¼ years between 3rd March, 1921, and 8th June, 1925, the number of applications for uncovenanted or extended benefit refused by local employment committees was 1,764,168, but this total, of course, includes in many cases more than one application from the same individual.


Can the hon. Gentleman give the reason for not being able to give the information as to the number of people disqualified?


I cannot give it, because we have not any record of it.