HC Deb 21 December 1925 vol 189 c1931
32. Major HARVEY

asked the Undersecretary of State for the Colonies the number of Arabs, Turks, Christians, and Jews, respectively, resident in the Vilayet of Mosul?


According to the latest Iraq Census, the respective totals of the races referred to in the Mosul Vilayet are

Arabs 166,941
Turks 38,652
Christians 61,336
Jews 11,897
The above figures of Christians do not include the 8,000 Assyrians who were driven into Iraq by the Turkish incursion of last year, nor the Chaldean refugees from the Goyan country, who number some 3,000. The total population of the vilayet also includes 494,000 Kurds and 26,000 Yazidis.

Colonel APPLIN

How many of these Turks are Osmanlis?


None, really. They are principally a type of Turcoman who have always lived in that part of the world, and are not actually connected with the Turks.