§ 8. Mr. LOOKERasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether there is any prospect of payments being resumed in respect of the Rumanian pre-War debt?
Mr. LOCKER-LAMPSONIf the horn Member refers to State loans contracted by Rumania before the War, payment is being made, as far as I am aware, to British bondholders, except in certain cases arising out of the 4½ per cent. Gold Loan of 1913. On the 10th September last, the Rumanian Government gave an undertaking covering these eases, and are now being urged to resume payment. If the hon. Member is referring to pre-War commercial debts, contracted by Rumanian nationals, an arrangement was concluded last year, between British 427 creditors and Rumanian debtors, for the settlement of such debts through the Office of Foreign Payments in Bucharest.
Mr. ERSKINEIs it not a fact that Rumania is meeting all her obligations with great punctuality at the present time?