HC Deb 07 December 1925 vol 189 cc26-7
49. Mr. BOOTH BY

asked the Prime Minister whether it is the intention of His Majesty's Government to consult representatives of the Dominions and Crown Colonies as to the best methods of organising and developing trade within the Empire; and whether, with this object in view, he will consider the possibility of summoning an Imperial Economic Conference?


It is certainly the wish of His Majesty's Government to proceed in consultation with the Oversea Governments in all matters affecting the development of trade within the Empire; and I may point out that the Imperial Economic Committee, constituted at the beginning of this year, which is dealing with some of the questions involved, includes representatives of the Dominions, India and the Colonies. The question when the next Imperial Conference should be held is one which will have to be taken into consideration with the Dominions.


Is it not the fact that many Dominion Governments consider that the Imperial Economic Committee which is now sitting in London is not sufficient for the object in view, and that they desire that an Economic Conference of special representatives should be held, next year if possible?


If that should be so, they would undoubtedly bring that matter up at the Imperial Conference.

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