HC Deb 01 December 1925 vol 188 cc2047-8
Mr. LANSBURY (by Private Notice)

asked the Home Secretary whether, in view of the recent trial, conviction and sentence of 12 Communists at the Old Bailey, and the statements made by the Judge during the summing up as to the law relating to the propaganda and organisation of persons holding Communist views, it is the intention of the Government to issue a notice warning citizens of the United Kingdom that membership of the Communist party, which has for its object the complete supersession of the present political, social and industrial order by the establishment of a Communist system based upon the common ownership of land and capital for the service of the community, is illegal, and that persons taking part in such organisation and such propaganda will be liable to prosecution and imprisonment?


I do not think any such notice is required. Most people understand that the Communists recently sentenced at the Old Bailey were prosecuted, not on account of their opinions, but because they advocated the use of unconstitutional and violent means in order to give effect to them.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the Judge who tried the man offered to release certain of the prisoners on condition that they gave up their membership of this organisation and agreed to be bound over?


I am fully aware of what the Judge did, and the offer he made to those seven defendants, but I think it would be more convenient, as we are going to discuss the matter in a few minutes, that the hon. Gentleman should raise this in Debate.


May I ask the right hon. Gentleman if, in the Judge's view, these people were guilty of belonging to an illegal organisation, how he can square that with his statement in this House that the advocacy of Communism in this country by British subjects was lawful?


That could not be pursued without leading to a Debate.


This is a question of very great importance to a very large number of His Majesty's subjects. We have the law in the Courts contradicted by the right hon. Gentleman himself.