HC Deb 26 June 1924 vol 175 c558

asked the Minister of Pensions when a reassessment of pension on the Jerram scale will be made in the case of those pre-War naval invalided pensioners who were called up for service and served during the great War?


An Order in Council dealing with reassessment in these cases has been under discussion with the Departments concerned. In am taking steps to secure the issue of the Order at the earliest possible date.

10. Major YERBURGH

asked the Minister of Pensions whether he will direct that the retired pay of naval officers who had retired before the War, were employed during the War, and died or were disabled as the result of their war service should be reckoned as earned income, as is done by the Treasury for purposes of Income Tax assessment, thus permitting such officers or their widows to reckon such retired pay when claiming alternative pension?


For alternative pension, the question to be determined is the loss of earning capacity consequent on the disablement or death of the officer or man concerned. For this purpose, in accordance with legal advice, service-retired pay or pension is properly regarded as income and not as earnings, the latter term being used in its ordinary sense of remuneration for work performed concurrently with the earnings. I am assured that this interpretation is, on the whole, of greater advantage to officers and men than the interpretation suggested.