HC Deb 26 June 1924 vol 175 cc558-9

asked the Minister of Pensions if he is aware that considerable hardship and irritation is being caused by the officer in charge at Edenhall Hospital, Musselburgh, in imposing unnecessary and unreasonable restrictions on the men under his charge and in using questionable methods in applying the Regulations dealing with ordinary breaches of discipline; and, if not, will he cause inquiry to be made with a view to securing greater harmony than at present prevails?


At a recent inspection of this institution by medical officers, including a neurologist, two cases of complaint were brought forward, but in neither instance was the complaint established. I am not aware of any justification for the general charge made against this officer, whose conduct of the institution, which I have personally inspected within the past few days, appears to be highly efficient. I should add that neurasthenic patients to whose treatment the hospital in question is devoted, at all times offer special difficulties in management, and the recent medical inspection showed that cases of varying types which could not suitably be associated with others had been admitted to the institution. This has now been put right by the transfer of certain cases to more suitable institutions under the Ministry.