HC Deb 22 July 1924 vol 176 c1112
41. Mr. DUKES

asked the Minister of Transport whether he is aware of the lack of adequate train facilities between Warrington and Manchester, on the Cheshire lines' route, and that, contract ticket holders travelling between the stations named invariably have to stand in the corridors; and whether he will make inquiries into the circumstances of Saturday, 12th July, when the company reserved a considerable number of coaches for private parties on the 12.30 ordinary service train from Manchester to Warrington, which resulted in serious overcrowding, and over 40 passengers having to travel in the goods' van?


The Cheshire Lines Committee have informed me that they have received no complaints either of inadequate train services or of shortage of accommodation in the trains between Warrington and Manchester. They explain that there is an hourly express service between Liverpool and Manchester, stopping in each direction at Warrington, and that, in addition, there are local trains stopping at intermediate points, and additional trains at times of special pressure. The 12.30 ordinary train from Manchester to Liverpool, to which my hon. Friend refers, was, I understand, run in duplicate last Saturday, and will continue to be so run for the next few Saturdays.