§ 43. Sir FREDRIC WISEasked the Prime Minister if the Ruhr mine-owners 1755 have come to an agreement with the M.I.C.U.M.; and, if so, what is the duration of the agreement?
§ The PRIME MINISTERThe answer to the first part of this question is in the affirmative. I have not seen the text of the agreement, but I am informed that considerable reductions in duties and other payments have been granted, and that the agreement is valid until the experts' proposals come into force, but that either side may give notice 10 days before the end of a month for termination at the end of the month. My information is that the Germans have already given notice of the termination on 31st July.
§ Mr. A. M. SAMUELIs our representative on the Rhine in any way a party to this agreement, or has he been informed of all the details, so that British interests may be carefully watched?
§ The PRIME MINISTERAs frequently announced in this House, we are no party to this agreement, and are only allowing the situation to go on until such time as the Experts' Report has been agreed to.
§ Mr. SAMUELWithout being parties to this agreement, is it not possible and desirable for the British Government to be kept cognisant of what goes on, so that British commercial interests may be, if necessary, safeguarded?
§ The PRIME MINISTERYes, we are kept cognisant.