HC Deb 07 July 1924 vol 175 cc1774-5
76. Mr. PERRY

asked the Minister of Agriculture whether he is aware that a Cottenham grower recently received 4d. per lb. for his strawberries, and that later he was able to ascertain, by means of the private mark on his baskets, that the fruit was being retailed in London on 28th June last at 1s. 4d. per lb; and whether, in view of this, he will take steps to encourage a system of co-operative marketing for fruit-growers and farmers in order that the producer may have an adequate return in regard to the high price paid by the consumer?


I am aware that the statement made in the first part of this question has been given publicity in the Press. I am anxious to give assistance with a view to encouraging co-operative marketing among fruit-growers in suitable cases, where the support of the growers themselves can be obtained. Funds have been placed at my disposal for making loans to co-operative enterprises, including societies for the sale of fruit and horticultural produce. I hope that growers will take advantage of these facilities.


In view of the fact that the Linlithgow Committee was appointed to inquire into these matters, and that they made a strong Report and a strong indictment in regard to the existing system, can the right hon. Gentleman state whether he is going to take any action?


Yes, action has been taken in regard to the assistance of co-operative marketing societies.


With a view to preventing the extreme difference between the price paid to the grower and the price at which the articles are retailed in the market?


That is the most effective way of dealing with the difference.


Will the right hon. Gentleman ask the Farmers' Union and Agricultural Organisation Society to meet him and discuss this matter?


I have done that already, but I shall be glad to do it again.

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