HC Deb 15 March 1923 vol 161 c1775
61. Lieut.-Colonel HOWARD-BURY

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer if ho can give the total amount of Confederate War Bonds and Loans raised by the Southern States of the United States and placed in this country, the proceed; of which went into public improvements in those States and on which default was made; whether he has approached the United States Government with a view to setting off these debts owed by the United States to this country against the debts owed by this country to the United States; and, if not, whether he would be prepared to make representations to the United States asking them to do so?


I have no detailed information regarding these transactions, in which neither His Majesty's Government nor the Government of the United States was directly concerned. The answer to the second and third parts of the question is in the negative.

Lieut.-Colonel HOWARD-BURY

Are we to be the only country to honour our debts while countries richer than ours are not to be called upon to pay their debts?

Lieut.-Colonel A. MURRAY

Is it not a fact that the United States have nothing whatever to do with these loans?