HC Deb 30 July 1923 vol 167 cc1190-1

(3) Every Regulation so made shall be laid before both Houses of Parliament as soon as may be after it is made, and if an Address is presented to His Majesty by each of those Houses within twenty-one days on which that House has sat next after any such Regulation is laid before it, praying that the Regulation may be confirmed, His Majesty in Council may confirm the Regulation, and it shall thenceforth have the force of law.

Lords Amendment:

Leave out Sub-section (3) and insert a new Sub-section:

(3) Before any Regulation under this Section is made, it shall be laid in draft before both Houses of Parliament, and such Regulation shall not be made unless both Houses by Resolution approve the draft, either without modification or addition or with modifications or additions to which both Houses agree but upon such approval being given the Minister of Health may make the Regulation in the form in which it has been approved, and the Regulation on being so made shall be of full force and effect.

Agreed to.