24. Major - General Sir ROBERT HUTCHISONasked the Under-Secretary of State for War when he proposes to allow soldiers in the Rhine Army to pay for goods purchased from the Army canteen for sterling at the same rate in marks for the £ sterling as that at which they were last paid their Army pay?
§ Mr. GWYNNEI regret that the Navy, Army and Air Force institutes have not found it possible to price the goods sold in the canteens at prices converted at the official rates. In order, however, that the official rates at which the troops are paid 259 may correspond more closely to the rates at which goods are sold in the canteens, the General Officer Commanding-in-Chief has been informed that he is at liberty to pay the troops and fix the official rates twice a week whenever he considers it desirable.
§ Sir R. HUTCHISONDoes the hon. Member think that is carrying out the pledge given by his predecessor in office during the Debate in which he said that he would do his best to allow the men to use the marks they receive at a certain rate per pound to buy goods in the canteen?
§ Mr. SPEAKERThe hon. Member is giving no chance to hon. Members who have other questions on the Paper. His supplementary question is much too long.