HC Deb 24 July 1922 vol 157 c29
81. Captain CRAIG

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether he is aware that ex-Sergeant John Freeman, Royal Irish Constabulary, was disbanded in April last; that he received two months' pension for April and May, and a notification that on 1st June he would receive his pension for that month; that, up to 16th July, he has received no pension for June or July, although pensions are payable in advance; that frequent applications to the Inspector-General have been ignored; and whether, in view of the fact that Royal Irish Constabulary men have, in many cases, to remove themselves and their families to other parts of the country than that in which they have been serving, and that credit cannot easily be obtained in a new home, he will see that in this and other similar cases pensions are paid promptly?

The CHIEF SECRETARY for IRELAND (Sir Hamar Greenwood)

A draft for Sergeant Freeman's pension for June was issued on the 10th of that month; but as he changed his address at about that time, it appears not to have reached him. A duplicate draft for June and a draft for July have now been issued.