HC Deb 04 July 1922 vol 156 c188
71. Mr. HANNON

asked the Financial Secretary to the Treasury whether he can state the average remuneration of a civil servant, excluding the manipulative and industrial grades; what percentage of increase has taken place in such remuneration since the beginning of the War; upon what cost-of-living figure is bonus now being paid; and upon what date and upon what basis is the bonus next to be readjusted?


Information obtained for the Committee on National Expenditure, in January, 1922, showed that the average remuneration (including bonus in the case of permanent officers) of a civil servant, excluding manipulative and industrial grades, messengers and charwomen, is, approximately, £281 per annum, representing an increase of 61.8 per cent. over the corresponding pro-War average figure. For the purpose of this calculation, the bonus of permanent-officers was calculated with reference to an assumed average cost-of-living figure of 100 per cent. above July, 1914. The cost-of-living figure on which bonus is at present paid is 105: this figure is due to be revised on 1st September next, under the agreed sliding scale, upon the basis of the average cost-of-living figure for the preceding six months, and, whilst it is clear that a considerable reduction will then fall to be made in it, the extent of the reduction cannot be stated with certainty until the cost-of-living figures for the months of July and August are available.