HC Deb 12 December 1922 vol 159 cc2583-4
41. Mr. HANNON

asked the Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies the total amount expended since the Armistice upon the repair and improvement of railway and public works in the Tanganyika Territory; and whether the trade returns for the territory show any prospect of the Territory ever paying its own way?


The special expenditure incurred by the civil administration of the Tanganyika Territory upon the repair and improvement of railways and public works in the Territory for the three years 1918 to 1921 is as follows:—

1918–1919 £3,543
1919–1920 £31,446
1920–1921 £90,775
For the year 1921–1922, £287,738 was provided on this account, and for the year 1922–1923, £479,967. When the Territory was under German administration it was in receipt of an annual grant-in-aid, but the grant-in-aid had been steadily decreasing in the years preceding the War, and in 1914 the Territory had reached a point when it almost paid its way. There is every reason to hope that when trade revives and the repair of the damage resulting from the years of War is completed, the development of the resources of the Territory will enable it to become self-supporting.


Would it not be possible to save a great deal of time if Ministers would shorten their replies?


Hon. Members can help in that matter. The suggestion I would make is that hon. Members shall put unstarred questions when detailed information is wanted.