(2) This Act, in its application to Scotland, shall he subject to the following provisions:—
(b) "Local authority" means any county council, town council, parish council, or other authority whatsoever having power to levy or to borrow on the security of a rate and includes any combination of local authorities under this Act:
Provided that this Act shall not apply to a local authority, other than a county, town, or parish council or an education authority or a district board of control or a combination of such authorities employing fifty or more officers or servants proposed to be designated as officers or servants for the purpose of this Act;
(c) "Rate" means an assessment or rate the proceeds of which are applicable to public local purposes and which is leviable on lands and heritages, and includes any sum which though obtained in the first instance by a precept certificate or document requiring payment from some authority or officer is, or can be, ultimately raised out of a rate;
(d) This Act shall not apply to any county or town clerk who shall be fifty-five years of age or more at the appointed day if within six months after such appointed day he gives notice in writing to the council of his desire to continue to hold his office on the same terms as he held it prior to the appointed day;
(e) Section twenty-nine of this Act and references to the Arbitration Act, 1899, shall not apply.
§ Lords Amendments:
§ In Sub-section (2), leave out the word "provisions" and insert the word "modifications."
In Sub-section (2, b), leave out
or other authority whatsoever having power to levy or to borrow on the security of a rate,
and insert
education authority or district board of control.
In Sub-section (2, b), leave out
this Act shall not apply to a local authority, other than a county, town, or parish council or an education authority or a district hoard of control or a combination of such authorities employing fifty or more officers or servants proposed to be desig-
nated as officers or servants for the purpose of this Act;
and insert
no local authority or combination of local authorities shall be entitled to adopt this Act unless there are in the service of such authority or of the authorities so combining, as the case may be, not less than fifty officers or servants occupying posts proposed to be designated as established posts for the purposes of this Act.
Leave out paragraph (c), and insert the following new paragraph:
(c) Sub-section (1) of Section five of this Act shall apply to the councils of any two or more adjoining counties in like manner as it applies to the local authorities therein mentioned, and Sub-section (3) of the said Section shall apply to the officers or servants of any local authority within the meaning of the Local Authorities Loans (Scotland) Act, 1891.
In Sub-section (2, d), after the word "day" ["appointed day if within six months"], insert,
or to the town clerk of any royal burgh holding office at the appointed day.
In Sub-section (2, e), leave out "twenty-nine," and insert "twenty-eight.
§ Agreed to.